

Country:United Kingdom

University:University of Edinburgh

Field of Study:Design, Art, and Music


Ministry Involvement: High School, Middle School Wyldlife


My name is Jack and I live in Edinburgh, Scotland. Our family moved around a lot because of my mom's job, and we struggled to stay in one location for more than a year for the first half of my childhood. This made it difficult to make strong friendships early in my life, but we were trusting God had us where he wanted us. With all of the moving, the cultural differences were quite stark in the UK to what I had known prior, and the Christian population was much smaller which made it difficult to make Christian friends my own age.

There's not a day where I haven't known God and I can thank His faithfulness through my parents for that. Upon moving to Scotland, we found a good church, however there were still not many kids my age there. The friends I made were not Christian and through primary and secondary school I sometimes had to sacrifice spending time with them to make sure I was doing what was right. I have been involved with Young Life for my whole time at secondary school and I made friends that I could keep in contact with and reconnect with every year at camp. I also got to be very good friends with my leader and we studied the bible together.

Coming to Edinburgh, I had a strong connection with the Young Life team, and it was easy to fit in helping the team. I am excited to continue leading and having more opportunities for ministry in the DGL position, as well as continuing my studies in music. I hope to finish my studies at the University of Edinburgh and find an occupation in the music industry, composing in some capacity.

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