Nancy Noemi



University:Baptist Medical Center University (Universidad Centro Medico Bautista)

Field of Study:Science and Medicine


Ministry Involvement: High School

Nancy Noemi

Nancy lives in Paraguay, in the city of Capiatá. Throughout Nancy's childhood, her parents were always present, whether they were near or far away. Although her parents were often away at work, Nancy remembers that her mom was always attentive to every detail. For example, leaving food ready for them every morning before she left for work. Also, their father, a policeman, had to be away from home for many hours or days at a time. Nancy is very grateful to her family, because even though her parents worked a lot, there was never a lack of love in their home.

Nancy was always a girl who believed in God, but her relationship was not strong. Her most significant growth came at the age of fifteen when she went to a Young Life camp for the first time. Nancy describes, "At camp, I came to understand many things. I could feel God calling me and there began my real commitment to the Lord.” Later she was invited to be part of the training to become a volunteer and the more she learned about the ministry, the more it caught her attention. "God has taken me to places I could never have gone on my own strength. I am very happy to have made this decision".

Now a Developing Global Leader, Nancy is studying psychology at Baptist Medical Center University. She shares, “I want to make the most of everything I can learn from my career. I plan to continue to specialize in my education and gain experience in the field with the hopes of one day setting up my own counseling practice. I want to develop my leadership skills to the fullest and continue learning and reaching the next young person for Christ. I will be the first in my family to graduate from university.

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