


University:University of Economics

Field of Study:Business and Economics

Major:Management and Product Development

Ministry Involvement: High School, Middle School Wyldlife


Luke is a steady and faithful young man from Lusowo, a small village west of Poznań, Poland. He has been graced with a loving family where he and his siblings share the assurance and encouragement of their parents. He was born into a religious family and has always rested in being a child of God. His beliefs were supported by the Catholic high school he attended and the opportunities to serve in church in various capacities. Luke shares, “I owe everything I have achieved in my life to my parents and the people I have met in my church. They push me to serve other people and ultimately have led me to my grow in my faith.”

Upon entering university, Luke has been “stretched in his faith and relationships with opportunities to meet friends who are different, not all religious.” One of his strengths is his boldness in tackling new challenges without fear, including becoming a Young Life leader. His team leader expressed that if he is doing something, he is doing it one hundred percent. This plays out in his relationships with the teens in his ministry as they connect and dive deep together in their walk with God.

Now a Developing Global Leader, Luke is taking pursuing a business degree in management and product development at Poznań University of Economics. His ministry goals are to further develop the new Young Life ministry in Lusowo and to focus on being a better leader for his students. Luke shares that “when it comes to leadership in Young Life, I want to invest my whole self and look forward to being a part of the growing ministry of Young Life in Poland.”

Sponsor Łukasz
