

Country:Czech Republic

University:Charles University

Field of Study:Education

Major:English and German

Ministry Involvement: High School, Middle School Wyldlife


My name is Michaela. I am from the Czech Republic, and I spent most of my life in Liberec. I have a very loving family. My father is a pastor of our local church, and my mom helps him. Church life has always been a family affair; I even took over the children’s program from my mom a few years ago. I have a good and open relationship with my parents and two siblings.

I met Jesus when I was four years old. Although I was very young, I remember it and I took it very seriously. As I am a daughter of a pastor, I have a very close relationship with our church, and I have always loved attending it and being part of its developments. I had a faith crisis when I was sixteen when I started dating a boy but after the break-up, I came back to God and decided to trust him fully with everything. Since then, I take my faith very seriously and want to help others grow by sharing as much joy as possible.

Now a Developing Global Leader, I study English and German on the faculty of education at Charles University. I lived one year abroad in Germany in high school and was able to gain a certificate in German as well as Czech upon graduation from high school. I would like to complete my bachelor and master's degrees and teach German, and maybe English, at a grammar school or high school. However, the main aim of my life is serving God. I hope I'll be serving him while doing programs for kids at church, but I am open to everything God has for me. I'd love to see the children who don't believe in God, receive Christ as their Savior, and build a community where everybody feels accepted and loved.

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