
City:Santo Domingo

Country:Dominican Republic

University:Universidad Autónoma

Field of Study:Science and Medicine

Major:Psicología Escolar.

Ministry Involvement: High School, Other (Barrios)


Mirian is an intelligent and resilient young woman from West Santo Domingo in the DR. She was an outgoing little girl with lots of friends, supported by her family and the experiences and beliefs they shared. However, during her adolescence, her parents divorced and many of those previous supports crumbled. Mirian shares, “my challenges were emotional due to self-esteem issues and not feeling worthy of love. I did not see value in myself.” Life turned upside down for Mirian as she tried desperately to right herself due to the disorienting experiences of rejection, abuse, and uncertainty.
Mirian knew about Jesus throughout her childhood and grew up in a family that was involved in ministry and active in their faith. However, as Mirian grew in her personal faith, she “saw how each and every one of her family moved away from God and took on new customs totally divorced from what I had learned.” The catalyst for change in Mirian’s faith was her school group where she had fellowship and learned to know God in a personal way and how to read the Bible. Later, Mirian became involved with Young Life as a leader where she was drawn to the relational way of sharing the gospel with kids, earning the right to be heard and going to the furthest kid with love.
Now a DGL Mirian is pursuing a degree in dentistry at a Autonomous University in Santo Domingo. She is drawn to the opportunity to not only meet the physical needs of her patients but have opportunities to care for emotional and spiritual needs by sharing the love of God as well. She hopes to continue to lead Young Life and train and develop future leaders in her community.

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