Yolandry Esther

City:La Romana

Country:Dominican Republic

University:Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo

Field of Study:Education

Major:Educación física

Ministry Involvement: High School, Other ()

Yolandry Esther

My name is Yolandry. I am from the Dominican Republic, where I live with my mother, step-father, four siblings, and my niece. I lost my father when I was young, and my mother always worked hard to stay strong for her children. While my upbringing was humble, I had a peaceful childhood, full of fun and family.

I was raised in the church; however, I grew up with resentment towards God due to my father dying when I was so young. I did not understand how something like that could be possible from a good God. It wasn’t until Young Life camp in high school that I began to understand God's power, and that His power is always working towards a good plan. I found comfort knowing everything has a purpose and that God's timing is perfect. I am honored to walk alongside teens and share God’s love as they navigate their own challenging stories.

As a Developing Global Leader, I will be the first in my family to go to college. I am studying education with a focus in mathematics at Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo and hope to help meet the need for teachers in my community. My goal is to help students be inspired to learn. I hope to be an excellent teacher and to glorify God in every relationship I form with students.

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