Nagunwa Joseph



Field of Study:Business and Economics


Ministry Involvement: High School

Nagunwa Joseph

Nearly every morning before dawn, Nagu’s mother prepares a bundle of second-hand clothes that she takes street to street to try and sell. She has been doing this ever since Nagu’s father lost his job over a decade ago. Nagu’s mother is a model of hard work and selfless determination for he and his 3 brothers. “On good days she makes enough to sustain us and on bad days, things are tougher.”

“My childhood was not very good until I met Jesus,” states Nagu, “but I thank God that I was invited to Young Life camp in 2010, where I heard for the first time about Jesus who loves me.” Ever since hearing about the love of Jesus, Nagu says the Lord has been teaching him “that everything in [his] life happens in God’s timing and will.”

Nagu attended the main campus of Saint Augustine University of Tanzania. As part of the DGL program (2015-2018) – years that made a very big mark in his life – Nagu earned a bachelor’s degree in economics.

Currently, his great dream has come true to work for Young Life as a DGL Administrator for Africa South. He continues to deeply involve himself in his local Young Life ministry, giving other teenagers – especially those who are in college – a chance to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Sponsor Nagunwa Joseph

$0/month donated $500/month needed
$500/month for 4 years = $24,000