Oswaldo José



University:National University of Engineering

Field of Study:Engineering and Computer Science

Major:Civil Engineering

Ministry Involvement: High School

Oswaldo José

My friends call me Murcy. I live in Matagalpa, Nicaragua, with my mother, younger brother and my grandmother. My dad left us when I was 2 years old, and I grew up holding a grudge against him for leaving me without a father figure. I also saw my mother making great efforts to ensure that my brothers and I could get ahead in our difficult situation. At 12 years old, I began to try things that did not edify me. I lived a double life, acting one way in my home and another way outside of it. When I became connected with Young Life, I learned acceptance from Jesus, and it was at this point that my life started to change. I was able to forgive my father, and part of my heart began to heal.

As a child, I knew about Jesus from church, but did not have a relationship with Him. Friends then invited me to Young Life camp when I was 14 years old, and my relationship with Jesus began there. I realized that I needed Him and was not going to heal without His help. I found a place to connect, serve and live out His purpose for me. I now serve at church and in Young Life as a leader and club advisor.

As a recipient of the Developing Global Leaders scholarship, I am studying civil engineering. I will be the first person in my family to graduate from university. As a child, I liked everything that had to do with construction or drawing up building plans. This inspired me to pursue my degree. When I graduate, I want to work at a company where I can develop building projects to help communities grow. I also want to keep serving in Young Life, showing more young people that Jesus wants a relationship with them.

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