Boye Paule


Country:Côte d'Ivoire

University:Private International University of Abidjan

Field of Study:Engineering and Computer Science

Major:Civil Engineering

Ministry Involvement: High School, Middle School Wyldlife

Boye Paule

My name is Boye Paule and I was born to a single, teenage mother. I never knew my father. I was picked up by my grandparents who took care of me and made it possible for me to go to school. Although my mom came to visit occasionally, I was raised by my grandparents, aunts and cousins in a small town in the interior of the country, Cote d’Ivoire. My childhood days were spent between school and field work since my grandparents were farmers. They taught me to value a job well done and to live with courage. As my grandmother grew older and my grandfather passed, we had little means to continue paying for my studies and even meeting our basic needs was a continuous struggle.

I have always loved going to church, it is a place of joy and dance. My relationship with Jesus really started when I lost my grandfather. My grandmother and I were devastated. He was our biggest support. I began to pray every day for my grandmother to have a long life. I entrusted God with my grandmother’s life and with my desire to earn a diploma and pursue a university degree. Thankfully, during that time I got involved with Young Life and was mentored by my leader, receiving support and encouragement at the time I was most desperate for it.

Now a Developing Global Leader, I am attending Private International University of Abidjan and plan to earn an engineering degree in order to participate in the development of my country's infrastructure. My ministry goal as a DGL student is to continue leading and training my team as the team leader and reach out to children like me and to give them the opportunity to meet Jesus.

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