


University:Entrepreneur Training Institute

Field of Study:Education


Ministry Involvement: High School


My name is Eunice. I live in Accra, Ghana, with my husband and our daughter. Growing up in Ghana was not easy. My parents were not financially stable, so my siblings and I did not have enough money for food and had to walk several miles to school. As a teenager, I started living in the world, engaging in drinking and not doing what was right. One day, a friend invited me to their church program and God touched my heart. I surrendered my life to Jesus and have been walking with Him ever since.

My personal relationship with Jesus has been so good to me in many ways in my life and now in my marriage and family. I am involved in my church as a worker in their children’s department. As a teen, I was also invited to Young Life club in my local community. I started going regularly to club and camp, and I am now a volunteer team leader where I love growing and unifying my team around loving Christ and reaching kids.

As a recipient of the Developing Global Leaders scholarship, I am studying education at the Entrepreneur Training Institute in Accra. I would not be able to attend university without this scholarship. I have such a passion for kids that I want to live out my dream job and become a teacher. I hope to expand the reach of clubs and campaigners into neighboring communities and reach more kids with the Gospel. In addition to kids' ministry, I also want to start a women’s ministry with Young Life and see God change families and homes throughout Ghana.

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