

Country:Sierra Leone

University:Njala University

Field of Study:Science and Medicine


Ministry Involvement: High School


My name is Jeneba and I was born and raised in a village in the Bo district of Sierra Leone. I'm from a nuclear family with a very poor background. I'm the youngest of three children and live with my mother, brother, sister and grandmother since the death of my father. After my dad’s passing, things became difficult for my mother, and she struggled to take care of me as she is solely a housewife with no means for income. Since my father's death, his family abandoned us and there was no one to take responsibility for us.

My greatest challenge in life was when I lost my dad. At that time, I thought all was lost for me. I heard about Jesus in Young Life, and at outreach camp I experienced the nearness of Jesus and truly walked away feeling a newness of life. I experience the grace of God within me more and more when I say yes to Jesus and am doing his work. As a Young LIfe leader and women’s coordinator in my region, I have been overwhelmed by the building up of my leadership skills by others and the joy found in loving on teens.

Now a Developing Global Leader, I am studying to be a nurse at Njala University. My vision for my career is to always be ready to save lives and to be a help to those in need. I hope to continue to be a leader in my community and help develop and raise more leaders to reach more teens. I will be the first in my community to graduate from university.

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