Andouwa Flora Nadège


Country:Côte d'Ivoire

University:University of Abobo-Adjame

Field of Study:Science and Medicine


Andouwa Flora Nadège

My name is Andouwa. My friends call me Floflo. I live in a home in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, with my parents, two brothers and sisters, cousins and grandparents. I grew up worrying about how my parents were going to pay for my university education because they are also responsible for my cousins. I understood that only God could help me, and He did. I have seen God meet me and provide for me at the lowest times of my life. He not only provided for my education, but He saved me from thoughts of suicide and also from an accident where almost everyone died.

From a young age, I went to church with my mother, was baptized and participated in a church musical group. However, my relationship with Jesus Christ did not begin until I found myself overwhelmed with anxiety and life in general, wanting to commit suicide. By God’s grace, I am alive because of a young Christian who shared God’s Word with me. Now, I no longer rely on my own strength, but on that of Jesus Christ. I was then introduced to Young Life by a mother-like figure in my community and I am now a leader.

As a recipient of the Developing Global Leaders scholarship, I am studying science and medicine at the University of Abobo-Adjame in Abidjan. I want to use my degree to get a job and help people in my country. I would like to be a physician or surgeon. I also want to continue leading with Young Life and encourage teens to return to the love of Jesus.

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