


University:Berlin University of Technology

Field of Study:Engineering and Computer Science

Major:Medical Engineering

Ministry Involvement: Middle School Wyldlife


My name is Sarah and I live in Berlin, Germany with my parents and two brothers. I grew up in Egypt, going to a Christian church where my father was an assistant pastor. In 2016, we moved to Berlin so my father to start an Arabic Christian church here. In addition to pastoring the church, my father and older brother run a bakery to support our family.

My parents have always shown me how to have a relationship with God. When they did not have sufficient financial resources, we had to depend on Him daily. Seeing this dependence had a big effect on my faith. Moving from Egypt to Germany, having to meet new people and learning a new language have also shaped my faith. I work with kids at my church and l love sharing the gospel with young people on the street. I also started a Bible study with my friends.

As a recipient of the Developing Global Leaders scholarship, I am studying medical engineering and computer science at Berlin University of Technology. I chose this degree because I enjoy math and physics. Upon graduation, I plan to get a part-time job in my field or start my master’s degree in management. I also hope to continue working with Young Life in Berlin. I have a heart for the Arab people here and want to start more Young Life clubs and share Jesus with future generations. I pray that God will use me to bring change and peace.

Sponsor Sarah
