

Country:Sierra Leone

University:Milton Margai Technical University

Field of Study:Media and Communications

Major:Graphic Design

Ministry Involvement: College or University Ministry, High School


My name is Georgtina and I live with my single mother and my seven siblings in Freetown, Sierra Leone. I am a triplet of three girls. We lost our dad due to the Ebola pandemic in 2015. Ever since, life has been very difficult for our mom as she was the only one caring for us. We dropped out of school to support our mom in our own little way through having a small business. Although it was not easy or what we wanted, we had to do it. We all desperately wanted one another to be educated and not disappoint our mom and our late dad’s hopes for us. We went through a lot of difficult moments growing up, but we thank God for keeping us safe.

I was born into a Muslim household that followed Allah without any questions until my older sister received Christ and become a Christian. Our parents followed in the faith. Ever since my life has not been the same because Jesus is at the center of it now. I'm an ordained minister of the Gospel in my church.

Now a Developing Global Leader, I am combining my gifts and passions and pursuing a degree in graphic design and video editing at Milton Margai Technical University. My greatest strength is my ability to motivate and help the younger generation by bringing out the best in them. My vision is to remain actively involved in the next generation through Young Life and give counsel and help as they identify their own talents.

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