

Country:Central Asia

University:UNIVERSITY: Unlisted

Field of Study:Business and Economics


Ministry Involvement: Capernaum (special needs), High School, Middle School Wyldlife


Peter, whose name has been changed for security reasons, is a devoted servant from a small town in a Muslim country in central Asia. Having three other siblings, he and his sister live with their parents, who are Christians; his father is a church pastor. His parents relocated a long way from home to move to another city and start a church.

Having known about Jesus from a young age, Peter began to build a personal relationship with Jesus in his teens. When he attended camp, he realized his path and began to grow spiritually. His older brothers had served with Young Life for many years, so watching them, he was excited to join the mission. Despite the affected attitude toward Christians in his country and the rejection of his peers, Peter and his family continue to build the church and the Young Life team, telling teenagers about the love of Christ. He is actively training new leaders and developing various areas of Young Life's mission in his community.

As a Developing Global Leader, Peter is studying management, hoping that this profession will develop his skills in communicating with people as well as foster personal leadership growth. Peter has a heart to grow the ministry in his community to reach all types of kids, providing a place where kids can come as they are and hear that they are loved. He also dreams of developing his own small business by opening a small restaurant after graduating from university.

Sponsor Peter
