


University:Haute Ecole Louvain en Hainaut

Field of Study:Media and Communications

Major:Public Relations

Ministry Involvement: High School


Lola is a media and communication student from Charleroi, Belgium. She has been immersed in the mission of Young Life her whole life – her parents participated in Young Life as teenagers and evolved into devoted leaders. As a teen, Lola walked through difficult friend group transitions and also witnessed her parents navigate a significant rift in their church. Lola considers these moments of conflict and hurt as incredible opportunities for her to see how God can be trusted even in hardship and instilled in her a resolve to depend on God in all things.

Her first exposure to the transformative power of Young Life came through attending ski camps as a guest with her family. Lola shares, “I was thirteen when I took my first step toward becoming an active participant. From that moment on, I embraced every opportunity Young Life offered. From summer camps to local club meetings in Charleroi, I threw myself into the experience with unwavering dedication. The desire to grow from participant to leader burned bright within me, fueled by a passion for this mission and a love for camp environments that has been with me since childhood.”

Lola is pursuing a career in the field of communications with an emphasis on public relations and social media. "As a DGL, I want to spend more time with teenagers outside of clubs and camps, especially those on my leadership tree. I want to learn how to lead a campaigner group, participate in the growth of Young Life Belgium, and grow in my walk with God through spending time with my mentor."

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