


University:Hogeschool Rotterdam

Field of Study:Media and Communications


Ministry Involvement: Other (Wyldlife)


Jedidja is a communications student at the Hogeschool in Rotterdam, Netherlands. At the age of seven, her parents' divorce set her family on a path marked by frequent relocations and an ever-present feeling of not having a true home. The absence of stable friendships and a fragmented family structure have been persistent themes, leading to a palpable sense of displacement for Jedidja.

Amidst the turbulence, faith has provided a foundation into which she can anchor. Raised in a Christian environment, attending church was a regular part of her upbringing. However, it was during a transformative experience at Young Life surf camp in Portugal that a deeper spiritual connection was ignited. A tangible encounter with Jesus' presence during that week crystallized the desire for a more profound relationship with Him. This pivotal juncture inspired a commitment to grow in their faith and pursue greater involvement with Young Life. This decision represented not just an organizational affiliation, but a step toward personal and spiritual fulfillment.

Now, as a Developing Global Leader, Jedidja is studying communications in Rotterdam with the goal of getting better at writing and more fully utilizing the social media platforms. Also, as a DGL, she wants to learn to feel closer to God herself while growing personally and spiritually. " I want to be a role model for the kids that come to club and bring more new kids to club so they can meet new people and hear about the love of Jesus.”

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