


University:European University in Armenia

Field of Study:Business and Economics


Ministry Involvement: High School


Berta is a dedicated and diligent young woman from Yerevan, Armenia. After her parents divorced, she was left to live alone with her mother, as she is the only child in the family. Despite having a good relationship with her father, she always felt his absence in her life, and his death was a very heavy blow that started a stressful period in her life. Her mother works very diligently to provide for them but often is absent due to the demands of work. Therefore, as a teenager, Berta felt alone and confused, not understanding which direction to choose in life and where to move.

While searching, she was invited to go to Young Life camp, where she heard about Christianity and its values for the first time. Berta shares that what she heard impressed and alarmed her all at the same time. She felt love and acceptance from strangers, and it conquered her heart. The girl decided to give her heart to Jesus, who completely healed it. Now Berta is on fire for God and wants to reach the same kind of lost children she herself once was.

As a Developing Global Leader, Berta is pursuing a degree in management at the European University of Armenia. Currently, she is actively involved in Young Life ministry, where she influences the teenagers of her city. Berta will be the first person to graduate from college in her family. One day, she aspires to become an excellent professional to support her country, community, and family.

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