


University:National Autonomous University of Nicaragua

Field of Study:Education

Major:Computer Science Education

Ministry Involvement: High School


Mariam is a dedicated young leader from Managua, Nicaragua. Growing up, she was surrounded by love from her mom, two sisters and extended family, especially her grandparents. Without a relationship with her father, her grandfather stood in the gap and loved her well, however the wound left by her fathers’ absence proved to be an ongoing catalyst for growth throughout her life.

Mariam first heard about Jesus when she went to Young Life camp with her cousin. She shares, “camp was where I felt the presence of Jesus and began my relationship with Him. When Jesus enters our life, He enters to never leave and that is what happened to me. When I met Jesus, He healed that need for a Father.” Miriam now is passionate to grow, study and serve young people in the ministry of Young Life with great love.

As a Developing Global Leader, Mariam is studying educational informatics, which specializes in the teaching methodology of computer science within the education field. Mariam’s passion is so evident as she explains her goals for the future, “I want to support others academically with my teachings and my leadership qualities. I want many children and young people to have a vision for improvement in our community and our country. I know many young people who lack vision for overcoming the trials in the world and I would like to be a guide and teach them that they can overcome.” Mariam attends National Autonomous University of Nicaragua and will be the first in her family to graduate from university.

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