



Field of Study:Science and Medicine



Paul (not his real name), whose friends call him Le vieux which means “the old”, lives with his parents in Mali, where his father is a pastor. His childhood was hard because he was sick often. He shares that he was “a naturally sad child who did not have many friends.” It was not until after he gave his life to Jesus that he found joy, relief and confidence in the face of his challenges.

Growing up, Paul attended church programs regularly. He gave his life to Jesus Christ during his adolescence after a church service where he finally understood the salvation message. He became involved serving as a performer, choir member, program leader and prayer leader in the church. Paul also started participating in Young Life clubs and camps and eventually became a leader.

As a recipient of the Developing Global Leaders scholarship, he is studying science and nursing at a local university and dreams of becoming a state nurse. He ultimately chose this field of study so that he can help people while working in ministry. His vision for this degree is to work in health care while also working in Young Life and expanding the Kingdom of God.

Sponsor Paul
