
City:Kokomlemle Accra


University:Blue Crest University college

Field of Study:Engineering and Computer Science

Major:Information Technology

Ministry Involvement: Middle School Wyldlife


Genevieve lives with her sister in a single rented room in a slum in central Ghana. She has had many difficult experiences, including a major accident in 2019, that left her with emotional suffering and lots of anxiety to overcome. She is a leader in her local church, as well as leading high schoolers in Young Life each week.

She met Christ through the teaching of her Sunday School teacher as a young child, but came to know Christ deeper through her experiences at Young Life. The Young Life group gave her an opportunity to perform, which she enjoys and by building relationships there she was able to receive the love of Christ and process through traumatic events. She now has hope and the upper hand over her anxious thoughts through some of the teachings she heard through Campaigners. She is grateful that while she “once depended on herself for hope, she now knows that Christ is the pillar in the center of life holding up all the other pieces”.

As a recipient of the Developing Global Leaders scholarship, Genevieve plans to become an information technologist by studying engineering and computer science at Blue Crest University. She hopes to use this degree to gain a job in Christian digital marketing, where she can further share Christ. She plans to continue to lead with Young Life and mentor other young women who have had traumatic events in their lives to help them combat anxiety with the power of Christ.

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