Agness Fatu


Country:Sierra Leone

University:University of Makeni

Field of Study:Business and Economics

Major:Human Resources Management

Ministry Involvement: High School

Agness Fatu

Agnes who goes by Agie is a friendly and hard-working young woman from Makeni, Sierra Leone. She was raised by her parents in a small village surrounded by her eight siblings, where she once felt connected and loved. Agnes expresses her greatest challenge was when she lost both of her parents, “I felt all was lost. I came to realize that I have to be strong and begin a life for myself. I was hoping my family would have been a solid rock to lean on to support me in my education but they never showed up.”

In 2018, Agnes heard about Jesus at church and was baptized. The message of sin and God’s forgiveness moved her and she began to see herself in the messages of the Gospel. She got in contact with Young Life at school and through club, camp, and campaigners; her faith grew and she began leading in her community.

Now a Developing Global Leader, Agnes is studying to be a procurement officer at the University of Makeni. She shares that her vision is to go through the university program and come out with a good result so that she can impart hope in the lives of those of the same background that feel discouraged about the lack of opportunities to obtain a degree. Agnes desires to grow in her leadership skills and ministry opportunities through the DGL program. Her dream is to begin a Young Life village ministry, in order to take the gospel to the teenagers in the villages. Agnes is proud to become the first in her family to graduate from university.

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