


University:Evangelische Hochschule Freiburg

Field of Study:Other

Major:Social Work

Ministry Involvement: Middle School Wyldlife


Hi I’m Maren. I grew up in Niefern-Öschelbronn, a small village south of Frankfurt, Germany with my parents and two sisters. My childhood was very sheltered and marked by a lot of love. We were taken along very early to the church in our village and made a lot of friends there. Despite the different personalities in our family, we all got along well and my parents supported me in many things.

Adversity impacted my family when my little sister went through a personal crisis. This experience was very challenging for me and left me very sad and with many questions. I went to a Christian camp during my teen years where I realized I had a lot of questions about Jesus. As I dove into those questions, I realized that Jesus wanted a relationship with me. Sometime later, I connected with a Young Life leader in my area and was asked to take part in the New Leader Training. My involvement with Young Life has opened doors for ministry as well as my own personal growth as I learn to
listen for God’s voice.

The Developing Global Leader scholarship will allow me to attend Evangelische Hochschule Freiburg to study theology. I have the dream of being able to approach different people and tell them the message of Jesus and teach them how to read and understand the Bible. I hope to be able to mentor and have fellowship with younger people. I will be the first in my family to graduate from college.

Sponsor Maren
