Johara Massiel

City:San Rafael del Norte


University:National University of Engineering

Field of Study:Engineering and Computer Science

Major:Industrial Engineering

Ministry Involvement: High School

Johara Massiel

My name is Johara, my friends call me Joha, and I grew up in San Rafael del Norte, Nicaragua. My childhood was quite difficult; I grew up in an environment full of violence that was greatly influenced by my dad’s alcoholism. During the time of my parent’s separation, my home was so dysfunctional that I moved in with an aunt where I struggled to live apart from the love of my family.

I first heard about the love of God when leaders came to my school and I was invited to Young Life club. After a week at camp where I gave my life to Christ, my leaders helped me grow in faith and I was able to integrate changes in my life little by little. They were an example of love and helped instill confidence in myself as I grew as a leader in my community.

Now a Developing Global Leader, my vision for my education is to prepare myself academically and create a lasting impact in my community. I am studying to become an industrial engineer at National University of Engineering. I hope that my university degree will not only be a blessing in my life, but in the lives of people around me as well as a blessing to my family. I want to move forward in life and contribute to society by being a different kind of professional. I hope to be a person who carries the heart of Jesus into everything I do while promoting projects that benefit people with limited resources and opportunities. I am proud to become the first person in my family to graduate from college.

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