Vincent Iris


Country:Côte d'Ivoire

University:Universite Felix Houphouet Boigny d'Abidjan

Field of Study:Social Science


Ministry Involvement: College or University Ministry, Middle School Wyldlife

Vincent Iris

My name is Vincent-Iris and everyone calls me Vincent. I live with my family in a commune of Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire. Growing up, my mom took us to church every Sunday, but it was through Young Life that I gave my life to Jesus and started to have a personal relationship with Him. As the team leader in my community, it is my goal to reach as many young women as possible with the Gospel and raise up competent leaders in my community. My parents are my role models and are both teachers. They have always prioritized our education and as a family we have made countless sacrifices to pay the school fees required to complete secondary school.

Now, a Developing Global Leader, I am humbled by the opportunity to attend a university in order to become a teacher as well. I am attending Universite Felix Houphouet Boigny d'Abidjan and studying modern literature. Education in my country increasingly needs specialists in certain disciplines, including languages and modern letters. Thinking, speaking and expressing oneself are difficult for many people, young people in particular, and I would love to help students grow in confidence and realize their full potential.

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