

Country:Republic of Ireland

University:University College Dublin

Field of Study:Science and Medicine

Major:Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Ministry Involvement: High School, Middle School Wyldlife


My name is Jamie and I live in Greystones, Republic of Ireland, just south of Dublin. I grew up going to church with my parents and my brother every week and made some of my closest friends there. However, I always struggled to talk to other friends about God and would try to hide that part of my life wherever possible. Because I was so worried about what people thought of me, I could never commit to a relationship with Jesus.

After my fourth year in secondary school, I spent the summer at a Young Life camp on work crew and found so much love and acceptance there. I had never felt so happy and at peace before and I knew I never wanted that feeling to end. That summer, I made the decision to follow God with everything that I had, no matter what others thought of me.

As someone who was greatly influenced by the love and support of my leaders, I understand what a privilege it is to serve as a youth leader, as well as the responsibility that comes with it. Through being a Developing Global Leader, I aim to complete a degree in science, to explore the wonder that is God’s earth and to hopefully use my knowledge to help others. I am also so excited to grow as a leader and in my own relationship with Jesus. I hope that through DGL, I can connect with young people who need Jesus in their lives the same way I did.

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