


University:Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (UNNE)

Field of Study:Business and Economics

Major:Business Administration

Ministry Involvement: High School, Middle School Wyldlife, Other (zona rural, estamos fuera de a capital de Corrientes)


Hello! My name is Macarena and I go by Maca. I live with my parents and younger brother in Corrientes, Argentina. I grew up in a home that was centered around ministry, always with an open door for students and neighbors in need. I reflect on the way my parents served others and know that my life is marked forever by what our home stood for. As a young teenager, I experienced this same passion for God and ministry while attending Young Life camp, hearing afresh about the love of God and experiencing the selfless love of others. Now as a Young Life leader in my community, I lead two clubs and train leaders to go out and reach new kids in hopes of beginning another club.

In the midst of a very difficult economic situation in my country, I consider it a blessing to have the opportunity to attend university. I am pursuing a degree in business administration at Northeast National University. I am committed to acknowledge my weaknesses and grow and hone my skills in order to join the business sector and help create jobs for others. I believe that God has equipped me to share His message of love despite the trials and adversities I encounter along the way, trusting that He will continue to hold me by the hand as He restores my community.

Sponsor Macarena
