Alisson Anielka



University:University of the West - Managua

Field of Study:Science and Medicine

Major:Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Ministry Involvement: High School

Alisson Anielka

Hello! My name is Alisson and I live with my grandparents and my brother in Managua, the hub and bustling capital of Nicaragua. Marked by loss, my childhood continually reminds me of experiences I spent years trying to forget. The sudden death of my parents at a young age left me shy and timid, plagued by fear and uncertainty. Though I found support and love in the home of my grandparents, it wasn’t until an unlikely invitation to Young Life camp that I truly encountered the love of a father. God lifted me up. He healed the wounds of my heart. Without God, I would not be who I am; my life now embodies the truth that Christ, in me, is my strength. Hungry for more, I have been encouraged in my faith and molded as a leader in my community through my Young Life family. Now, I am filled with joy as I pour out love to the teens in my community.

In spite of the many challenges in my life, my desire to earn an education and help others has never waned. Through the scholarship with Developing Global Leaders, I am studying pharmaceutical chemistry at the University of the West in Managua. Compelled to support the health journey of others, I would like to open a pharmacy in my community and provide access to medicine and health education to those who are under-resourced and desperate for a lifeline. I will be the first in my family to graduate from university.

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