



Field of Study:Engineering and Computer Science

Major:IT Management

Ministry Involvement: Other (Kizito )


My name is Amadou (actual name changed for safety). I have a simple family and live with my parents in a fast-growing city of Mali. My father was a soldier and was absent most of my childhood. My mother raised my brothers and sisters and I in military camps while my father was away in service at the war front in Northern Mali. As a shy and courageous child, l walked miles to go school and labored at small businesses to support my mother. Growing up Catholic, I attended mass and participated in church activities, however I did not know Jesus personally and l had an unhealthy relationship with alcohol. One day, l met an evangelist who preached about Jesus and the Christian life, and my life was transformed. After a while, l gave my life to Jesus and l gave up alcohol and sex and became a new man. I discovered Young Life thanks to a friend and leader and I became a volunteer leader in 2014.

Since becoming a Developing Global Leader, I am a student at a local university where I study computer management. After obtaining my diploma, I hope to become an IT technician. Eventually, I want to become an executive and a builder of this nation, while helping young people believe in their ability and faith in Jesus Christ through Young Life.

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