

Country:Sierra Leone

University:Institute of Advanced Management and Technology

Field of Study:Business and Economics

Major:Human Resource Management

Ministry Involvement: High School


Deborah is a dynamic and intelligent young woman from a small rural village outside of Freetown, Sierra Leone. She lives with her parents and three siblings and was raised in the church with an understanding of God. Often faced with unstable work, her parents struggled to meet the family’s basic needs. “Those trying times taught me that in life we face difficult times and it is in those times that we need to lean on God. This experience has made me strong and proven that I can face any difficulty in life.” At Young Life camp, the Gospel was presented in a way that Deborah was compelled to begin a personal relationship with Jesus. This fueled a passion within her to get involved in her church and to begin leading Young Life with teens and teen moms in her community.

Now a Developing Global Leader, Deborah is pursuing a degree in human resource management at the Institute of Advanced Management and Technology. Deborah is a transformational leader in her community with a natural ability to bring together a team. She shares, “I hope I can utilize my degree in the business sector, focusing on hiring, training, and development by using my relational and organizational skills. It is important to me to help individuals in my community to recognize their potential and build the necessary skills to accomplish their goals both professionally and personally.” Deborah will be the first person in her family to graduate from college.

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