Population 8,296,693

Population Below Poverty 65%

Literacy Rate Total Population 80%

Language Spanish (official), Amerindian dialects

Religion Roman Catholic 97%, Protestant 3%


Honduras is located in Central America and is slightly larger than the state of Tennessee.

Hondurans have very strong family bonds, and as a result, extended family often lives in the same house, and children rarely leave home until they marry. Children are required to attend school for six years beginning at the age of seven. Unfortunately, less than half actually finish the full six years and less than one-third continue on to secondary education, primarily due to expense. Only a small portion of students advance to the university level of education, even though Honduras has some of Central America's best agricultural and forestry schools.

Hondurans consider relationships to be far more important than schedules; showing up late for an appointment is a way of life. After all, good relationships and personal contacts are the cornerstones necessary to conduct business and work with the government.

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