
City:Talisay City


University:Silay Institute

Field of Study:Education

Major:Elementary Education

Ministry Involvement: College or University Ministry, High School, Middle School Wyldlife


My name is Cristel and I am the youngest of five. We live in small city called Talisay City in Negros Occidental Philippines. I live in a semi-rural environment and have a big, not-so-perfect family who welcomes everyone into our home. In my teenage years, I played "Takraw" (a sport native to Southeast Asia, resembling volleyball), and excelled to the advanced level. My childhood experience was great until I became insecure about my physical appearance. I became painfully shy and used to hate leaving the comfort of home because I was so afraid that people would judge me. However, my friends’ encouragement helped me overcome it and I continue to learn that this is not what defines me.

I grew up going to church with my family, so when a Young Life leader invited me to camp, I didn’t even hesitate and immediately said “Yes”. After camp, I joined all the Young Life activities and reconnected with Jesus. I realized; I was lost but now I am found. Young Life has been instrumental in my growing relationship with Jesus; I have learned so much, and there's so much more ahead. I now have a purpose for my life, to share Jesus with other kids.

Now a Developing Global Leader, I am attending Silay Institute and studying to become a teacher. I plan to use my role as a teacher as an opportunity to reach more kids with the Good News of God. I will be the first in my family to graduate from university.

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