

Country:Central Asia

University:UNIVERSITY: Unlisted

Field of Study:Design, Art, and Music

Major:Graphic Design

Ministry Involvement: High School


I was born in a small city in central Asia, my name has been changed for security reasons. I am a child of believing parents, and I was brought up and lived with Christian values. I have always believed in God, but my faith was especially strengthened when my mother had an accident. We were going through her healing process and at the same time our church was going through difficult times and serious changes. Then I finally trusted God and his plan for my life.

I learned about Young Life from my pastor and after I visited the club, I was very inspired by their work and wanted to join this mission, reaching teenagers with friendship and the love of Christ in my city. So, now we have a complete Young Life team, and this ministry has changed me a lot. I am discovering my potential more and more here. When I serve others, I grow and develop myself. In our team, I am responsible for media, drawing, design, and creativity - something that has fascinated me since childhood.

Now, as a DGL student, I am studying graphic design. I like that by creating something, I can use it as a tool for evangelism. Also, I believe that higher education will give me more technical knowledge, professionalism and understanding of how to sell my projects. I dream often of big creative projects. As a leader, I want to develop my region, I really would like to add different areas of Young Life in our city and the surrounding area, such as college ministry to students and Wyld Life for younger teenagers, hoping for more and more students to have a chance to know they are loved by God.

Sponsor Kristina
