

Country:Dominican Republic

University:Universidad Autonoma de Santo Domingo

Field of Study:Science and Medicine

Major:Geography, Natural Resources and Ecotourism

Ministry Involvement: Other (Young LIfe)


My name is Magdalys. I am so fortunate to have parents who loved me. They were very strict, but we lived in a difficult area of Bonao, Dominican Republic, with many missing children and desperate poverty. Once I innocently went to help a stranger on my street and nearly found myself being abused. Even then, God was protecting me. I personally struggled with school due to fierce bullying and disabilities that kept me from success. Fortunately, a school psychologist, special teachers and homework help rooms made a difference for me and I was eventually able to find success in school.

I met Jesus at summer camp when I was fifteen years old. I had a great friend who was a Young Life leader who convinced my parents that I should go. After camp, my friend taught me more about God and the Bible and made sure that I understood what it was saying and how I should live my life. It was difficult to go to camp that first time alone, but worth it, as it changed everything!

My professional vision is to obtain a degree in Geography, Natural Resources and Ecotourism from a local university called UASD so that I may help others in my community. I am eager to see how God will lead me and guide me to the right path. As a Developing Global Leader, I am being challenged to grow in my leadership skills and desire to grow a new club in my community. For now, I enjoy spending my free time planning games and talks for Young Life club and helping where I am needed, always grateful to tell teens about the faithful love of God.

Sponsor Magdalys
