


University:Norwegian School for Leadership and Theology and NLA

Field of Study:Education


Ministry Involvement: High School


My name is Teodor and I grew up with my father, mother and younger brother in Fredrikstad, Norway. As a child I was an outgoing and bold boy. I did great in school, had many friends and played soccer. In my middle school years, I fell victim to bullying, betrayal, and being excluded from my friends. I was depressed and started to spend most of my time alone. I desperately needed a new start. Then Young Life came to Fredrikstad in 2017. I still played soccer and I found myself with Young Life staff as my coaches. They had something I did not have. And they wanted to share it with me. They invited me to their homes to read the Bible. They showed me real value. Value by God.

At this time, I started to spend time in church and with my Young Life leaders. I found the leaders very inclusive. I had a clear meeting with Jesus at a Young Life event in 2019. He met me with an overwhelming type of love, and I remember it as a moment alone with Him, crying and filled with the Holy Spirit. Over the past few years, I have seen God’s greatness. I have experienced healing, both physical and emotional.

I plan to study management at HLT, Norwegian School for Leadership and Theology. After that I’m planning to pursue a master’s degree as a teacher. I have strengths in leading people and a burning heart for kids and youth. I hope to use these gifts in the kingdom of God. I am willing to pray for the future and let God lead me on the way. I think He has way bigger and way better plans for me than I can imagine. Next year I hope to partner with other Young Life leaders to coach a soccer team that will reach more students with the Gospel.

Sponsor Teodor
