

Country:Dominican Republic

University:Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD)

Field of Study:Design, Art, and Music

Major:Diseño Gráfico

Ministry Involvement: High School, Other (Vida joven)


Hi, I'm Angie and I grew up in Bonao, Dominican Republic. During my childhood, my grandmother always lived with us and my mother worked to support me and my siblings. We lived in a humble home but we constantly saw the hand of God working and providing in our lives. We are a very warm and united family, with totally different personalities, but love is never lacking in our home. My biggest challenge in my childhood was not having a father figure in my life, and even now, I have not been able to cultivate an effective relationship due to a lack of trust.

I met Jesus at my school in high school when a Christian teacher of mine shared words and prayed for her class. At one point, she made the call of faith while praying for a difficult situation in the classroom, and at that moment I felt it was time for me to take a step and say yes to Jesus for the first time. The change in my life began that day; even with a lot of spiritual immaturity and so many things that I did not understand, little by little I moved forward and grew. A friend invited me to a Young Life club where I was struck by what was happening in the ministry. I jumped at the chance to attend camp and after that, I became interested in being part of the leadership.

Now as a Developing Global Leader, I am pursuing a degree in clinical psychology at Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo. In addition to becoming a psychologist, I want to grow in my leadership and ministry skills, but my vision will always be: whatever Jesus wants, I trust that He will guide and direct me and show me where I am to go.

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