



Field of Study:Business and Economics

Major:Business Management

Ministry Involvement: High School


Hi! I am Rodela and I live with my mother and younger brother in Bangladesh. Throughout my childhood, I faced many struggles. My father and mother divorced when we were young and my mother raised us alone. Sometimes I thought that my life would never be good and I struggled to feel hopeful for my future.

I was raised in a Catholic family, but I didn’t understand how God could work through the trials I faced in my life. My mother told me often to keep my faith in Jesus. I finally began to understand what my mother meant through my friendship with my Young Life leader. Day by day through spending time with her in small group, I learned about Jesus and became a follower of Him. Because I trusted in Him, I could see how God takes care of me in every situation. I have had so many ups and downs in my life but receiving Jesus has changed everything. After meeting Jesus, I became involved with a youth group where I have been helping lead worship. This group of people and the way they share life together has shaped me and caused me to want to pour out to others and make a change in my community by sharing and making disciples.

As a Developing Global Leader, I now am studying business and economics in a local university. Thankfully, I was assigned this major by the university because financial management is something I am very passionate about. I want to serve others by teaching them to manage their finances while encouraging their own career skill development. I will be the first in my family to graduate from university.

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